Thursday, March 25, 2010

Strong Earthquake in Venezuela

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On Saturday, the 12th of September at 20:06 GMT (15:36 local time) happened a strong earthquake opposite to the Port coasts Hair, to 100 km from the city of Caracas, in Venezuela. The seismological services have registered it with magnitudes of:
6.4 USGS (USA) Brings
6.2 FUNVISIS (Venezuela) Brings
They can continue the replies on the page of the USGS (or by means of his file of Google Earth), or in Google Earthquake. Regrettably the page of the FUNVISIS does not work for the time being, but for declarations of the sismólogos it is known that several replies have already happened. Meanwhile I leave them with this apprehension of screen of Google Earth of the epicenter (orange point):
Epicenter of the earthquake in Venezuela of 12/09/09. The USGS explains the causes of the movement:
The earthquake happened to little depth like result of a side fallamiento [or of course]. The tectonics of this area is characterized by the movement to the east of the badge of the Caribbean Sea in contact with the South American badge, at a 20 mm / year approximate speed. It is so there exist important systems of flaws in the region, which accommodate the efforts produced in the crust by the contact of 2 badges. By the place of the today event it is assumed that there might have happened in the flaws San Sebastian or The Prop, which they cover of west to this one close to the epicenter, although a major analysis is necessary.
The region that surrounds the event with September 12 is known for being sísmicamente active, having happened strong earthquakes in the past. Some examples are the magnitude earthquake 6.5 in July, 1967 that caused 240 deaths, and the magnitude earthquake 5.4 in May, 1989 that left without hearth more than 2000 persons in the Tucacas region.
Next we have the map of intensities provoked by the earthquake (scale of Mercalli) in the different localities.
We can observe that the seismic intensity would have reached up to VI grades Mercalli in the localities nearest to the epicenter. The size of the circles indicates the number of reports in every locality.
The earthquake has coincided also with a temporary fortress that had happening in Venezuela, with rains and hurricane-force winds, the situation being more difficult. The Avant-garde brings:
Fourteen persons turned out to be light wounds for the earthquake of 6,2 grades of magnitude that shook today Caracas and the regions of the north center of Venezuela, reported the Venezuelan Minister of Internal Affairs, Tarek Aissami. The holder of Interior and Justice indicated that the affected persons, between them a child and a young woman who suffered wounds in the legs, were attended in hospitable centers and his state does not cover gravity. It pointed out also that seven housings and two hotel complexes of the area incurred losses.
The minister confirmed that mortal victims have not been brought and added that the caused ones are evaluated in all the regions affected by the quake. The Aissami indicated that in Caracas the teams of emergency work to withdraw fallen trees and other debris immediately after the strong rains and hurricane-force winds that registered in the capital shortly before feeling the earthquake.
From the moment in which the earthquake happened, twitter users have bringing the events in his respective localities. Also they have raised some photos that show damages in some structures.
Let's wait that the temporary pass prompt to facilitate the tasks of the teams of emergency, and that fatalities are not brought. They can continue the news in alive in Twitter, or in Google News.
Of being necessary, I will be updating this entry.
More news about earthquakes in the world in Seismology.
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