Friday, March 19, 2010

Earthquake in Tarapacá, Chile

On Friday, the 13th of November 03:05 GMT (12:05 local time) happened to a strong earthquake on the coasts of the region of Tarapacá, to 95 km to the north of the city of Iquique, in Chile. The seismological services have registered it with magnitudes of:
6.5 USGS (USA) Brings
6.4 SSN (Chile) Brings
6.3 IGP (Peru) Brings
Until now replies have not registered, as it can be appreciated on the page of the USGS (or by means of his file of Google Earth), on the page of the SSN, or in Google Earthquake. Next we can see the map of intensities of the USGS:
Map of intensities of the earthquake in Tarapacá, Chile. USGS.
According to the reports that have entered (the circle size indicates the number of reports for locality), it is observed that the seismic intensity would have reached up to V grades Mercalli in the localities nearest to the epicenter (which coincides with the information of the ONEMI). Also it is observed that the earthquake has been felt in some cities of the south of Peru. If they want to contribute with this intensities map, they can fill the questionnaire prepared by the USGS.
Such it seems that there are no serious consequences. According to the page of the National Seismological Service (SSN) of Chile:
Electric power court south sector of the commune of Iquique, for flaw in substation Dragon. In accordance with evaluation of the SHOA, the earthquake does not assemble the conditions for the generation of tsunami on the Chilean coasts.
The last report of the ONEMI indicates:
In accordance with the evaluation carried out by the Committee of Operations and Emergency of the Region of Tarapacá, affectation does not register to persons I nor damage in infrastructure. The electric power is returned from 00:40 hrs. in the south sector of the commune of Iquique. The Committee of emergency Operations of the Regional Direction of ONEMI of Tarapacá supports monitoreando the interior sectors in coordination with the members of the System of Civil Protection.
In the Region of Arica and Parinacota, detachments of minor vehicles are brought in interior ways, without affecting the connectivity.
Although it is indicated that one has not registered damages in infrastructures, the web of Radio Bio-Bio shows some photos of damages that would have been caused by the earthquake. These have been published by the user bionet_x86 in Twitter:
Crack in wall. Photo published for bionet_x86 in Twitter.
It is deplorable, but the surest thing is that this is an only one isolated case, since during the morning serious damages or hurt persons have not registered. Let's hope that the situation should continue in calmness.
Of being necessary, this entry will keep on being updated.
More news about earthquakes in the world in Seismology.
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